Saturday, December 31, 2011

December 25th - 31st

Christmas Day, all he wanted to do was push that wagon! So we took a walk.

Playing with some new toys on the couch with a sleepy puppy.

It's ok, if I get shut in, I have Grandma's phone so I can call for pizza!

Dads: The reasons Mama's need anti-anxiety pills.

Liam got kinda sad while opening more presents. He gets overwhelmed.

HEY! I think I see those blocks I lost last month! Behind the couch is AWESOME!

Look Johnny, its a Purple Kitty!

Sorry for the missing picture back when this was originally posted!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

December 23rd and 24th

Mom.... I think I got somewhere I shouldn't be......
The handsome guy keeping busy with some crayons at Xmas Eve morning breakfast!

Friday, December 23, 2011

December 19th - 22nd

PUSH DA BUTTON! (with a Forest in the back ground!)

Here, Grampy, hold this paper while I check out my books
 We had a mini Christmas on the 20th with my Dad and Kathy. They brought Liam some books and some finger paints and a new shape sorter toy which Liam is playing with as I type this!  The next morning we went out for breakfast before they had to get back on the road to get home to their dogs.

Catching on to finger (and hand) painting!

He was SO HAPPY with his mac and cheese!

Monday, December 19, 2011

December 16th (part two) - December 18th

Look who's driving this boat... I hope he isn't worried about an iceberg!

Holding his own bottle! I am still so grateful for this!

Sleeping as only a toddler can sleep... and please note the gnaw marks on the crib. Thanks Liam... thanks so much for making me wonder if you are part beaver.

Friday, December 16, 2011

December 14th and 16th

I missed a day again. I didn't get a picture for the 15th. So I will post two for the 16th. One now and one later on, perhaps in the next batch of pictures.

I had a busy day and Liam got sleepy early, and I had a lot to do once we got home... so it makes sense that I forgot to get a picture.

My snuggly little sleeper

My wild and Crazy kiddo! He was just wiggling like crazy and climbing the walls

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December 8th - 13th

Learning how to carry a ball, with lessons from Nym

Push the button!

This is serious photo. This is serious baby.

Checking out the Christmas Tree!

Yea, You!

Oh so very precise.

This week has been pretty busy! The van has been in the shop for a couple days, I have had Forest (the boy I babysit for) a couple more days than usual. Liam has been trying out some new things and making some new leaps in his learning. He can now say Doggy and have it sound like Doggy and not Daddy. He tried to say Giraffe the other morning. (we have stickers on his wall above the changing table and he likes to ask what they are, we have jungle animals right now.) He holds his own bottle when we have to change him in the middle of the night when he wakes up. This is pretty big for him as he never showed much interest in holding his bottle up before.

He also has been working on the cup drinking and getting that down pretty good and he can use a fork sometimes. We are having to teach him that he does not always get his way, much to his disappointment. He is learning though. It sometimes involves thrown toys or cups or other objects as he throws a little tantrum when he is denied. But he has to learn.

In the bath he now will put his face under water for a second, I am not sure if he holds his breath or just does it in the space between breaths. He also will wash his own tummy with soap and can open and close the drain stopper. He can take his socks off and shows that he wants to know how to put them on. Same with shoes. He knows that putting his jacket on means we are going outside, and he can go down small steps without going backwards. He also will try to get his arms through the arm holes in his shirts, usually without much success, and he lifts up his legs when you say "legs" and hold out his pants for him to get into.

And best of all, he gives kisses now. Sometimes even without asking for one, he will come up and press his lips into ours and it just melts our hearts. He gives hugs and waves bye bye now, sometimes even saying "bye bye".

He is almost running as well and makes up games with the puppy, chasing her or running with her. They are so sweet together. Nym even saw that he was getting close to the edge of the couch the other day and jumped up and pushed him back toward the back of the couch. She stood there and leaned on him so he would not fall toward the edge. If I had not seen it, I might not have believed she was smart enough to do that, but she did it. She watched out for HER Liam.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

December 4th -7th

All bundled up!

I don't always have my hand in a bowl, but when I do, it's a bowl of macaroni and broccoli


It's funny when you stick your foot under the couch cushion!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

December 1st - 3rd

Helping me check out the Christmas lights!

Being a Super Baby!

Trying Starfruit and loving it! (he ate a whole one!)