Monday, June 25, 2012

June 15th - 24th

Painting Daddy's Father's Day gift

Popsicle by the pool!

Liam, come downstairs please..... please?  some time this week then....

Who me? Eat all the raspberries? I have NO IDEA what you are talking about!

APPLE! (Liam was saying "apple, apple" this morning, so I just gave him one. He really seemed to like it.)

Picking out new shoes

Here mommy, I see you put this in your ear, let me try and cram it in there real good for you!

Debating the slide


Having a wild hair day on the playground in the shirt that is two sizes too big for him... it was a day of not caring how we looked!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

June 9th - 14th

Mastering the spoon!

A super happy boy with his truck


Making silly faces

Looking very grown up as he contemplates clover flowers

Liam's word for step is "dub-dub" and Liam has mastered the climbing steps on the playground.

Friday, June 8, 2012

May 30th - June 8th

Brush those little teeth!

And this is how I spill my cereal in a box...

Liam and his Grandpa Dave, wearing Grandpa's hat

The best Birthday picture, cake face, smiles and new toys. That smile says all the thank you's anyone could want.

Working very hard at his new lacing puzzle

Liam and his first doctor. She is moving and we will miss her LOTS! But we won't ever forget the great care and love she showed to all of us.

Learning about power tools while we built a fence.

Liam and his new construction vehicle. He loves this thing!

This guy is totally cool, and he knows it.

Mama! Look, I dumped out all the hangers so we could go shopping for MORE CARS! I know you were trying to organize baby clothes, but me running around with this bag was WAY more important than it holding hangers!